GAV - Gateway Arts, Vinfen
GAV stands for Gateway Arts, Vinfen
Here you will find, what does GAV stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Gateway Arts, Vinfen? Gateway Arts, Vinfen can be abbreviated as GAV What does GAV stand for? GAV stands for Gateway Arts, Vinfen. What does Gateway Arts, Vinfen mean?Gateway Arts, Vinfen is an expansion of GAV
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Alternative definitions of GAV
- Gag Island, Indonesia
- Get Ahead Va
- Global Academic Ventures
- Global Audio Visual
- Glade Arch Ventures
- Green Academy Vietnam
- Greater Amsterdam Volunteer
View 11 other definitions of GAV on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- GCHS Gateway Charter High School
- GCOIF Gateway Community Outreach, Inc. of Florida
- GF Gateway Foundation
- GH Gateway Healthcare
- GHS Gateway High School
- GHGR Gateway Homes of Greater Richmond
- GMCHCI Gateway Maternal and Child Health Consortium Inc.
- GSCI Gateway to Science Center Inc.
- GVV Gateway Vincentian Volunteers
- GHS Gateways Homeless Services
- G&G Gather & Give
- GKF Gavalas Kolanko Foundation
- GINI Gazette International Network Institute
- GUE Gear Up Express
- GEDA GED Albuquerque
- G Gedakina
- GF Gede Foundation
- GYSI Gem Youth Services Inc.